What's more Important than Teshuvah?
Ki Seitzei
Sending away the mother bird. How many of us get the opportunity to fulfil this Mitzvah?
The Maor VaShemesh - Reb Kalonymus Kalman Epstein, a talmid of Reb Elimelech of Lizhensk, finds in this Mitzvah a powerful and timely lesson in Teshuvah which we are all capable of fulfilling.
When a Kan Tzippor (bird’s nest) happens to be before you on the road, on a tree or on the ground - with young birds or eggs - and the mother is roosting over the young birds or the eggs, you shall not take the mother with the children. You shall surely send away the mother and take the children.
The month of Elul is the Chodesh Hacheshbon, a month when we are aroused to Teshuvah. Before the times of the Baal Shem Tov, G-d fearing Jews in their awe of the Yomim Noraim, would close themselves off from the world. Isolated in their rooms, without the distraction of others, they would focus on their Teshuvah and fasting.
But this, says the Maor VaShemesh is not the true way in Avodas Hashem. The primary and true path of Teshuvah is through drawing close and connecting with fellow Jews. Even if one feels that their Teshuvah would be superior and more effective were they to isolate themselves, it is preferable to strengthen one’s connection and love for others and draw them closer to Hashem.
What one achieves in one’s personal Teshuvah is only limited. But when one connects another Jew to Hashem, the impact lives forever through their descendants for all generations.
This is the inner meaning of the Mitzvah of Shiluach Haken.
In Kabbalah, birds represent the Neshamos of the Jewish people. The Kan Tzippor is the Shechina which rests when there is a gathering of Jews together. The mother אם is connected to Binah, the Sefirah associated with Teshuvah.
When a Kan Tzippor happens before you: When you see a group of Jews gathered together.
On a tree or on the ground: Be they lofty individuals like the tree, or be they lowly.
With young birds or eggs: Whether these Neshamos are more spiritually developed, having started to form their wings (usually a reference to Ahavas Hashem and Yiras Hashem). Or whether they are still without wings, in a state of spiritual infancy.
The mother is roosting: And it is an opportune time to focus on Teshuvah and Avodah.
Do not take the mother with the children: Do not forsake the children in pursuit of your own Teshuvah, to connect to the ‘mother’. Rather,
Send away the mother and the children take for yourselves: Even if you need to give up on your personal Avodah and aspirations of Teshuvah and Dveikus with Hashem, it is more important to take the children, to connect with one’s fellow Jews and draw them close.
Through this we are assured of the eternal blessing So that it will be good for you and will prolong your days.
This radical understanding says the Maor VaShemesh came as a result of the light of the Baal Shem Tov’s teachings.
This week we we will celebrate Chai Elul, the birth of the Baal Shem Tov and the day on which he began to reveal his teachings. One of the fundamental teachings of the Baal Shem Tov is the holiness, power and value of every single Jew. Ahavas Yisroel is the very cornerstone of Chassidus and the ways of the Baal Shem Tov.
The Baal Shem Tov himself would devote his time to mingle with the simple, unlearned Jews to inspire and uplift them and turn their hearts towards Hashem.
The Rebbe has trained us to express our Ahavas Yisroel by reaching out to fellow Jews. Not to isolate ourselves and focus on our own spiritual accomplishments, but to reach out to every Jew, irrespective of their level of observance and draw them closer.
By embracing the ’children’ and choosing the ’eggs’, may we merit that it will be good for you and will prolong your days with the יום שכולו טוב ויום שכולו ארוך
The Maor VaShemesh - Reb Kalonymus Kalman Epstein, a talmid of Reb Elimelech of Lizhensk, finds in this Mitzvah a powerful and timely lesson in Teshuvah which we are all capable of fulfilling.
When a Kan Tzippor (bird’s nest) happens to be before you on the road, on a tree or on the ground - with young birds or eggs - and the mother is roosting over the young birds or the eggs, you shall not take the mother with the children. You shall surely send away the mother and take the children.
The month of Elul is the Chodesh Hacheshbon, a month when we are aroused to Teshuvah. Before the times of the Baal Shem Tov, G-d fearing Jews in their awe of the Yomim Noraim, would close themselves off from the world. Isolated in their rooms, without the distraction of others, they would focus on their Teshuvah and fasting.
But this, says the Maor VaShemesh is not the true way in Avodas Hashem. The primary and true path of Teshuvah is through drawing close and connecting with fellow Jews. Even if one feels that their Teshuvah would be superior and more effective were they to isolate themselves, it is preferable to strengthen one’s connection and love for others and draw them closer to Hashem.
What one achieves in one’s personal Teshuvah is only limited. But when one connects another Jew to Hashem, the impact lives forever through their descendants for all generations.
This is the inner meaning of the Mitzvah of Shiluach Haken.
In Kabbalah, birds represent the Neshamos of the Jewish people. The Kan Tzippor is the Shechina which rests when there is a gathering of Jews together. The mother אם is connected to Binah, the Sefirah associated with Teshuvah.
When a Kan Tzippor happens before you: When you see a group of Jews gathered together.
On a tree or on the ground: Be they lofty individuals like the tree, or be they lowly.
With young birds or eggs: Whether these Neshamos are more spiritually developed, having started to form their wings (usually a reference to Ahavas Hashem and Yiras Hashem). Or whether they are still without wings, in a state of spiritual infancy.
The mother is roosting: And it is an opportune time to focus on Teshuvah and Avodah.
Do not take the mother with the children: Do not forsake the children in pursuit of your own Teshuvah, to connect to the ‘mother’. Rather,
Send away the mother and the children take for yourselves: Even if you need to give up on your personal Avodah and aspirations of Teshuvah and Dveikus with Hashem, it is more important to take the children, to connect with one’s fellow Jews and draw them close.
Through this we are assured of the eternal blessing So that it will be good for you and will prolong your days.
This radical understanding says the Maor VaShemesh came as a result of the light of the Baal Shem Tov’s teachings.
This week we we will celebrate Chai Elul, the birth of the Baal Shem Tov and the day on which he began to reveal his teachings. One of the fundamental teachings of the Baal Shem Tov is the holiness, power and value of every single Jew. Ahavas Yisroel is the very cornerstone of Chassidus and the ways of the Baal Shem Tov.
The Baal Shem Tov himself would devote his time to mingle with the simple, unlearned Jews to inspire and uplift them and turn their hearts towards Hashem.
The Rebbe has trained us to express our Ahavas Yisroel by reaching out to fellow Jews. Not to isolate ourselves and focus on our own spiritual accomplishments, but to reach out to every Jew, irrespective of their level of observance and draw them closer.
By embracing the ’children’ and choosing the ’eggs’, may we merit that it will be good for you and will prolong your days with the יום שכולו טוב ויום שכולו ארוך