Recent Topics to Choose From
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Choose from one of the topics below or suggest your own
Israel and Contemporary World Issues:
Contemporary Halachic Topics:
Historical-Halacha Controversies
Relationships and Character Development:
- When Brothers Fight; Protests in the Holy Land, Judicial Reform and the Key to Internal Peace
- The Wonderous Unity of the Jewish People
- We will Dance Again - the Jewish Response to October 7
- Finding Moshiach in a World of Woke; How global social movements are searching for Redemption
- Artificial Intelligence; the fragility of man and why we can never be replaced
Contemporary Halachic Topics:
- Women of the Wall and the truth of Jewish feminism
- Ethics of Ebola; Endangering your life to treat others, Is quarantine allowed? Burial and more Halachic considerations
- Divorce by Force - What can and can't the Beis Din do in the face of Gett refusal
- Quality of Life or Value of Life? - The Torah perspective on Euthansia and End-of-Life issues
Historical-Halacha Controversies
- The Heter Mechira - A journey into one of the greatest halachic controversies of the last century
- The Printer’s Feud – a historical/halachic journey into the 16th Century Printers feud and the Psak of the Ram”o that ended in catastrophe
- The Year they (almost) Blew Shofar on Shabbos - a 19th Century Halachic controversy that raged from Jerusalem to Hungary and beyond
- The Kabbalah of Dreams – Understanding the Enigma, what they mean and where they come from
- Artificial Intelligence and the beauty of human imperfection – Why we will never become redundant
- Top down or bottom up? The Torah approach on parenting and how to transmit our values to the next generation
- The Paradox of Prayer – G-d-centric or self-centred? what we are really trying to achieve when we Daven
- Free-choice verses Determinism - a deeper perspective on the ag-old philosophers' question
- The Ultimate Quality of a Jewish Leader - learning from Moshe and the Rebbe on what makes a true leader
- People in Black Hats Shouldn’t throw stones - The Rebbe’s revolution in reaching out to the less observant
- Davening at Kivrei Tzaddikim – holy pilgrimage or pagan practice?
- The Special Seventh Generation – The Rebbe said that our generation will bring Moshiach. What is our secret strength?
- Living with the Rebbe's Kapitel - messages in the Tehillim for today
Relationships and Character Development:
- From Chaos to Perfection - practical skills for achieving harmonious relationships based on Kaabalistic proncipals
- Achieving True Oneness - lessons on growing closer from the first marriage in history
- Deepening our relationships - a kabbalistic model from the world of thought and the world of speech
- Pathways to happiness – Torah strategies to being happy even when we don’t feel like it
- The purpose of Challenges – discovering the inner reason and purpose of challenge, knowing what we can change and what we can’t
- The Bitter Pill of Criticism – Why we hate receiving criticism and how to do it right
- Effective Communication - The mystical model for effective communication of ideas
- There's no I in We - Humility as the key to harmonious relationships
- Baa Baa - Shepherding the Black Sheep
- Chassidic guidance in Chinuch relationships
- 1,2,3 Magic - 3 building blocks in raising children for success
- Laws of the Beis Hamikdosh - PowerPoint guided study of the Rambam's laws of the Beis Habechira
- Living with the Beis Hamikdosh - Spiritual life lessons from the Holy Temple design and its sacred vessels
- Praying with Fire - Understanding the nature and power of prayer