Call out to us to Bring us Close to You
A lesson from the Tiferes Shlomo Parshas Vayechi
האספו ואגידה לכם את אשר יקרא אתכם באחרית הימים
Gather and I will tell you that which will happen to you in the end of days
Gather and I will tell you that which will happen to you in the end of days
In Shir Hashirim we read משכני אחריך נרוצה. We ask Hashem to draw us to Him (משכני) and then we will run after and follow Him (אריך נרוצה).
One of the methods of legal acquisition is Kinyan Meshicha, where the acquirer “draws” the object into his possession.
There are two methods of Kinyan Meshicha when acquiring an animal. One is by striking the animal and causing it to move. The other is through calling the animal so that it comes.
The same two methods apply in our request that Hashem draw us to Him and into His possession.
The striking refers to suffering in Exile which caused us to turn to Hashem in Teshuvah. But we have already been struck and suffered too much, so we ask Hashem to draw us towards Him to acquire us in the Final Redemption, through the alternate method of “calling”, an expression of Chessed.
This is the inner meaning of Yaakov’s words. At that time, Yaakov wished to reveal to his children the time of the Messianic Redemption in the end of days.
He employs the word יקרא which in addition to meaning happen, also means to call. The verse can be read “I will tell you that He will call to you at the end of days”.
Yaakov was Davening that in the end of days, after we have already suffered so much in Golus and cannot bear anymore, Hashem should draw us to Him through calling to us; not through further striking, but through revelation, closeness and Chessed.
One of the methods of legal acquisition is Kinyan Meshicha, where the acquirer “draws” the object into his possession.
There are two methods of Kinyan Meshicha when acquiring an animal. One is by striking the animal and causing it to move. The other is through calling the animal so that it comes.
The same two methods apply in our request that Hashem draw us to Him and into His possession.
The striking refers to suffering in Exile which caused us to turn to Hashem in Teshuvah. But we have already been struck and suffered too much, so we ask Hashem to draw us towards Him to acquire us in the Final Redemption, through the alternate method of “calling”, an expression of Chessed.
This is the inner meaning of Yaakov’s words. At that time, Yaakov wished to reveal to his children the time of the Messianic Redemption in the end of days.
He employs the word יקרא which in addition to meaning happen, also means to call. The verse can be read “I will tell you that He will call to you at the end of days”.
Yaakov was Davening that in the end of days, after we have already suffered so much in Golus and cannot bear anymore, Hashem should draw us to Him through calling to us; not through further striking, but through revelation, closeness and Chessed.