Seeking Hashem in the Struggles of Exile
A lesson from the Tiferes Shlomo Parshas Eikev
והיה עקב תשמעון
The word Eikev also means a heal, which is the lowest part of the body. The Chassidic masters relate this to the time called עקבתא המישחא, the footsteps or heals of Moshiach.
This refers to the generation who will live prior to Moshiach. We are likened to the heal because spiritually, when compared to the giants of generations gone by, we are the lowliest generation. We face the physical struggles of exile and great spiritual darkness, which makes it difficult to serve Hashem with proper Kavana.
But Hashem does not judge us by the same benchmark as previous generations when the service of Hashem was easier. In our generation, Hashem considers our smallest amount of Avodah, with limited Kavanah, to be as great as the higher service of previous generations.
This is alluded to in the verse “Hashem will disperse you amongst the nations”. Even though this describes the Jewish people in exile, a subsequent verse says “and from there you will seek Hashem your G-d and you will find, when you search for Him with all of your heart and soul.”
“You will find” is related to the idea of a Metzia, something that is beyond what one expected. In exile, if we just seek Hashem in the most minimal, like a Metzia, it will be considered as though we have sought Hashem with our full heart and soul.
The sages teach that the word והיה denotes a time of Simcha. The verse והיה עקב תשמעון is thus teaching that when the Eikev, the lowest of generation will listen to the voice of Hashem, this cause great Simcha and Nachas Above. Then we will be showered with the blessings in the continuation of the verse “Hashem your G-d will guard for you His covenant and Chessed”.
This refers to the generation who will live prior to Moshiach. We are likened to the heal because spiritually, when compared to the giants of generations gone by, we are the lowliest generation. We face the physical struggles of exile and great spiritual darkness, which makes it difficult to serve Hashem with proper Kavana.
But Hashem does not judge us by the same benchmark as previous generations when the service of Hashem was easier. In our generation, Hashem considers our smallest amount of Avodah, with limited Kavanah, to be as great as the higher service of previous generations.
This is alluded to in the verse “Hashem will disperse you amongst the nations”. Even though this describes the Jewish people in exile, a subsequent verse says “and from there you will seek Hashem your G-d and you will find, when you search for Him with all of your heart and soul.”
“You will find” is related to the idea of a Metzia, something that is beyond what one expected. In exile, if we just seek Hashem in the most minimal, like a Metzia, it will be considered as though we have sought Hashem with our full heart and soul.
The sages teach that the word והיה denotes a time of Simcha. The verse והיה עקב תשמעון is thus teaching that when the Eikev, the lowest of generation will listen to the voice of Hashem, this cause great Simcha and Nachas Above. Then we will be showered with the blessings in the continuation of the verse “Hashem your G-d will guard for you His covenant and Chessed”.