The Size of the Tzitzis Garment
Dimensions of the Tzitzis garment
The Gemora[1] rules that a Tallis Koton which is large enough to cover the head and majority of the body of a child - and is of a size that an adult would wear occasionally in public, is obligated in Tzitzis. A garment which is less than this size is exempt from Tzitzis.
What child does the Gemora refer to? The Rambam[2] writes that garment must be of a size that will cover the head and majority of the body of a child who is old enough to go by himself in the marketplace and does not require someone to watch them. Here the Raava”d concurs, writing that we certainly don’t measure based on a child of any age.
In recording this Halocha, the Tur[3] writes that the Gemora refers to a child of 9 years old. The Beis Yosef explains that even though younger children go on their own in the marketplace, they require an adult to watch them so that they do not lose their cloak. This is the intent of the Rambam’s definition that the child does not need someone to watch them.
The Bach quotes the Sefer Mitzvos Koton[4] (Sma”k) that the measurement is based on a 6 year old child, since six is the age of Chinuch (educating) in the Mitzvah of Tzitzis. The Bach however rules like the Tur.
The Shulchan Aruch, who quotes the Rambam, does not specify any age for the child. However, the Magen Avraham rules that the Halocha refers to a child who is 9 years old. This is also the Psak of the Mishna Berura[5].
The Alter Rebbe[6] in the Shulchan Aruch rules that the measurement is based on a child who has reached the age of Chinuch in the Mitzvah of Tzitzis, which is 9 years old.
However, in the Siddur[7] the Alter Rebbe distinguishes that whilst the measurement of the garment is based on a 9-year-old, the age of Chinuch in the Mitzvah of Tzitzis begins from age 6[8].
The Alter Rebbe indicates that the garment must cover the head and the majority of the length and width of the body (torso)
In measurements
Derech Chochma writes that the measurement required to cover the child’s head and majority of his body as being 3/4 of an Amah in length and 1/2 an Amah wide. The Machatzis Hashekel questions this measurement, especially the narrow measure for the width. Pri Haaretz[9] rules that the size of the Tzitzis garment is 1 Amah by 1 Amah.
In his Siddur, the Alter Rebbe writes that the width of the garment must be 1 biblical Amah long. The length of the Tzitzis garment must measure 1 Amah from edge of the neck hole to the base of the garment. This measure is required for both the front and back of the Tzitzis. Therefore, excluding the neck opening, the Tzitzis should measure 2 Amos total length.
The Mishna Berura writes that Anshei Maaseh would wear Tzitzis that measured an Amah both at the front and at the back. He quotes the Artzos Hachaim who in turn is quoting the Alter Rebbe’s ruling in the Siddur.
An Amah is measured as 49cm as per the shiurim of Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Noeh[10]. Extra fabric should be allowed for shrinkage when washing[11].
The neck hole
In the siddur, the Alter Rebbe rules that the neck-hole area isn’t included in the measurements[12].
Status of a small Tallis Koton
The Poskim write very strongly against the common practise in their times for adults to wear small Tzitzis. The Bach writes that we are obliged to abolish this practise because a blessing said over such Tzitzis would be a Bracha Levatala[13].
The Magen Avraham quotes the Mahara”m Mintz[14] who writes that wearing such Tzitzis is preferable than not wearing any Tzitzis at all. Nonetheless a Bracha may not be recited over small Tzitzis. The Ram”o[15] writes that one should make a blessing over their Tallis Gadol and have in mind the small Tallis Koton.
Tzitzis smaller than the required size should not be worn on Shabbos where this is no Eiruv[16].
The shoulder pieces
Magen Avraham quotes the Mahari”l[17] that the shoulder fabric of the Tzitzis garment should be made wide. Machatzis Hashekel writes that this is so the shoulder pieces be recognisable. Further they have to be considered as part of a garment and not just straps.
The Alter Rebbe brings the opinion of the Magen Avraham in the Shulchan Aruch but does not bring it in the Siddur[18].
Eishel Avraham[19] requires that each shoulder be at least 3 thumb-breadths wide.
Folds in the garment
What is the status of a garment which meets the minimum dimensions but when worn folds or bunches up so that the measurement is smaller?
Baer Heitev quotes the Beis Yaakov[20] that the Tzitzis are kosher since the creases stand to be unfolded. Accordingly, if the folds in the garment are sewn down, the garment will not require Tzitzis. This is the Pask of the Mishna Berura.
In the Siddur, the Alter Rebbe rules stringently, “it must be completely spread out and wrap the person with the entire measure without folding or creasing. The place of the fold is not counted towards the measure and one must pay attention to this... Therefore, the Tallis Koton should be slightly wider than the minimum because it is difficult to ensure that it does not fold”.
Practical suggestions
For this reason, many are accustomed to wearing a bendel (belt) over their Tzitzis garment to hold the garment spread out.
Additionally, those who roll their Tallis tightly on their shoulders should take note; this causes the Tallis hanging down the back to bunch up and narrow into a V-shape. Since the Tallis should still measure 1 Amah by 1 Amah over the back area, care should be taken not to roll the shoulder ups too much.
[1] Menachos 40b
[2] Hilchos Tzitzis 3:1
[3] OC 16
[4] Siman 31
[5] OC 16:4. According to the Chazon Ish the 9-year-old age requirement means 8 years and 1 day i.e. into the ninth year.
[6] Siman 31
[7] Beginning of Hilchos Tzitzis
[8] Our custom as per Hayom Yom is to beginning wearing Tzitzis from age 3. However, the Chinuch obligation begins from 6.
[9] OC Siman 1
[10] According to the measure of the Chazon Ish 1 Amah is 58cm
[11] Piskei Teshuvos OC 16:2
[12] Eshel Avrohom Butshash writes that if each of the shoulder pieces is wider than the neck opening, the neck opening can be counted as part of the measurements. The Chazon Ish recommends should pieces of 21cm each and a neck opening of 18cm.
[13] See Bach and Taz who references the Mordechai
[14] Siman 110
[15] Darkei Moshe OC 8
[16] Magen Avraham 13:2 and Mishna Berura
[17] Shu”t Maharil Siman 4 Os 4. Sheilas Yaavetz as quoted in Shaarei Teshuva does not require the shoulder pieces to be made wide.
[18] Likely because in the Siddur the straps are not included in the measurement. Mishna Berura rules like the Magen Avraham
[19] See also Kaf Hachaim
[20] Siman 106
The Gemora[1] rules that a Tallis Koton which is large enough to cover the head and majority of the body of a child - and is of a size that an adult would wear occasionally in public, is obligated in Tzitzis. A garment which is less than this size is exempt from Tzitzis.
What child does the Gemora refer to? The Rambam[2] writes that garment must be of a size that will cover the head and majority of the body of a child who is old enough to go by himself in the marketplace and does not require someone to watch them. Here the Raava”d concurs, writing that we certainly don’t measure based on a child of any age.
In recording this Halocha, the Tur[3] writes that the Gemora refers to a child of 9 years old. The Beis Yosef explains that even though younger children go on their own in the marketplace, they require an adult to watch them so that they do not lose their cloak. This is the intent of the Rambam’s definition that the child does not need someone to watch them.
The Bach quotes the Sefer Mitzvos Koton[4] (Sma”k) that the measurement is based on a 6 year old child, since six is the age of Chinuch (educating) in the Mitzvah of Tzitzis. The Bach however rules like the Tur.
The Shulchan Aruch, who quotes the Rambam, does not specify any age for the child. However, the Magen Avraham rules that the Halocha refers to a child who is 9 years old. This is also the Psak of the Mishna Berura[5].
The Alter Rebbe[6] in the Shulchan Aruch rules that the measurement is based on a child who has reached the age of Chinuch in the Mitzvah of Tzitzis, which is 9 years old.
However, in the Siddur[7] the Alter Rebbe distinguishes that whilst the measurement of the garment is based on a 9-year-old, the age of Chinuch in the Mitzvah of Tzitzis begins from age 6[8].
The Alter Rebbe indicates that the garment must cover the head and the majority of the length and width of the body (torso)
In measurements
Derech Chochma writes that the measurement required to cover the child’s head and majority of his body as being 3/4 of an Amah in length and 1/2 an Amah wide. The Machatzis Hashekel questions this measurement, especially the narrow measure for the width. Pri Haaretz[9] rules that the size of the Tzitzis garment is 1 Amah by 1 Amah.
In his Siddur, the Alter Rebbe writes that the width of the garment must be 1 biblical Amah long. The length of the Tzitzis garment must measure 1 Amah from edge of the neck hole to the base of the garment. This measure is required for both the front and back of the Tzitzis. Therefore, excluding the neck opening, the Tzitzis should measure 2 Amos total length.
The Mishna Berura writes that Anshei Maaseh would wear Tzitzis that measured an Amah both at the front and at the back. He quotes the Artzos Hachaim who in turn is quoting the Alter Rebbe’s ruling in the Siddur.
An Amah is measured as 49cm as per the shiurim of Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Noeh[10]. Extra fabric should be allowed for shrinkage when washing[11].
The neck hole
In the siddur, the Alter Rebbe rules that the neck-hole area isn’t included in the measurements[12].
Status of a small Tallis Koton
The Poskim write very strongly against the common practise in their times for adults to wear small Tzitzis. The Bach writes that we are obliged to abolish this practise because a blessing said over such Tzitzis would be a Bracha Levatala[13].
The Magen Avraham quotes the Mahara”m Mintz[14] who writes that wearing such Tzitzis is preferable than not wearing any Tzitzis at all. Nonetheless a Bracha may not be recited over small Tzitzis. The Ram”o[15] writes that one should make a blessing over their Tallis Gadol and have in mind the small Tallis Koton.
Tzitzis smaller than the required size should not be worn on Shabbos where this is no Eiruv[16].
The shoulder pieces
Magen Avraham quotes the Mahari”l[17] that the shoulder fabric of the Tzitzis garment should be made wide. Machatzis Hashekel writes that this is so the shoulder pieces be recognisable. Further they have to be considered as part of a garment and not just straps.
The Alter Rebbe brings the opinion of the Magen Avraham in the Shulchan Aruch but does not bring it in the Siddur[18].
Eishel Avraham[19] requires that each shoulder be at least 3 thumb-breadths wide.
Folds in the garment
What is the status of a garment which meets the minimum dimensions but when worn folds or bunches up so that the measurement is smaller?
Baer Heitev quotes the Beis Yaakov[20] that the Tzitzis are kosher since the creases stand to be unfolded. Accordingly, if the folds in the garment are sewn down, the garment will not require Tzitzis. This is the Pask of the Mishna Berura.
In the Siddur, the Alter Rebbe rules stringently, “it must be completely spread out and wrap the person with the entire measure without folding or creasing. The place of the fold is not counted towards the measure and one must pay attention to this... Therefore, the Tallis Koton should be slightly wider than the minimum because it is difficult to ensure that it does not fold”.
Practical suggestions
For this reason, many are accustomed to wearing a bendel (belt) over their Tzitzis garment to hold the garment spread out.
Additionally, those who roll their Tallis tightly on their shoulders should take note; this causes the Tallis hanging down the back to bunch up and narrow into a V-shape. Since the Tallis should still measure 1 Amah by 1 Amah over the back area, care should be taken not to roll the shoulder ups too much.
[1] Menachos 40b
[2] Hilchos Tzitzis 3:1
[3] OC 16
[4] Siman 31
[5] OC 16:4. According to the Chazon Ish the 9-year-old age requirement means 8 years and 1 day i.e. into the ninth year.
[6] Siman 31
[7] Beginning of Hilchos Tzitzis
[8] Our custom as per Hayom Yom is to beginning wearing Tzitzis from age 3. However, the Chinuch obligation begins from 6.
[9] OC Siman 1
[10] According to the measure of the Chazon Ish 1 Amah is 58cm
[11] Piskei Teshuvos OC 16:2
[12] Eshel Avrohom Butshash writes that if each of the shoulder pieces is wider than the neck opening, the neck opening can be counted as part of the measurements. The Chazon Ish recommends should pieces of 21cm each and a neck opening of 18cm.
[13] See Bach and Taz who references the Mordechai
[14] Siman 110
[15] Darkei Moshe OC 8
[16] Magen Avraham 13:2 and Mishna Berura
[17] Shu”t Maharil Siman 4 Os 4. Sheilas Yaavetz as quoted in Shaarei Teshuva does not require the shoulder pieces to be made wide.
[18] Likely because in the Siddur the straps are not included in the measurement. Mishna Berura rules like the Magen Avraham
[19] See also Kaf Hachaim
[20] Siman 106