Inspiration on the go! Short messages, lessons and insights between 2 and 5 minutes long
A Chanukah Lesson on the Effective Approach in Chinuch
Surviving and Thriving in the Face of Antisemitism and Exile - Finding Strength, Hope and Positivity
The Sukkah - Hashem's Infinite Love and Embrace
Doing the 13 Attributes of Mercy - a message for Yom Kippur
A Tale of Two Wives - The Ups and Downs in Life - a message for Parshas Ki Seitzei
Keep up the Siege until Complete Victory - the Torah's perspective on Waging War
The How of Giving Effective Criticism - Part 7: Focus on the Good and end on a Positive note
The How of Giving Effective Criticism - Part 6: Play the Ball not the Man
The How of Giving Effective Criticism - Part 5: Humility not Condescension
The How of Giving Effective Criticism - Part 4: Preserve the Other's Dignity
The How of Giving Effective Criticism - Part 3: Calm Moment & Positive Credit
The How of Giving Effective Criticism - Part 2: Perfect Timing
The How of Giving Effective Criticism - Part 1: Out of Love
The Connection Between Pinchas and Nadav and Avihu
A Lesson on How to see every Jew, Without Distinction - Yud Beis Tammuz
The Day for the Ultimate Revelation - Gimmel Tammuz 30 Years
13 years ago we set out on Shlichus to Melbourne...
An anecdote on Derech Eretz from Reb Mendel New
Why not every Machlokes is Bad and how Korach got it wrong
The Power to see Blessings in Life's Curses
A lesson from Parshas Bechukosai |
Sefiras Haomer - a time of Personal Character Improvement
Awaiting the Light in a Morally Dark World
Judging others with a Sense of Smell
Emunah as the Key to Redemption
A 2500 year-old response to today's rise in global antisemitism
Hashem loves us deeply and passionately
A take-home message from Pesach |
On Pesach we Celebrate Redemption. But what was the Purpose of Exile?
On Pesach we Celebrate Redemption. But what was the Purpose of Exile?
The Prerequisite to Asking for the Geulah
A lesson from Tehillim 123 |
Jerusalem is the Heart of the Jewish People and the Divine Presence is our soul
What we can do to Strengthen Jerusalem
A lesson from Tehillim 122 |
Reframing Life's Setbacks
A lesson from Parshas Tazria |