Discover the deeper meaning and message from the weekly Parsha and Festivals
Monday Night Mysticism is one of MAOR's popular weekly classes delivered by Rabbi Yonason Johnson. These classes delve into the depths of Jewish mystical thought, revealing new insights and spiritual life-lessons from the weekly Parsha.
Monday Night Mysticism is one of MAOR's popular weekly classes delivered by Rabbi Yonason Johnson. These classes delve into the depths of Jewish mystical thought, revealing new insights and spiritual life-lessons from the weekly Parsha.
The Two Breads of Bentching
An exploration of the blessings of Bentching which refer to two types of bread as reflective of two paradigms; bread of the heaven and the bread from the earth. |
The Dynamic of Destruction
What is the inner intent and purpose of Exile? A mystical understanding of the philosophical question that has bothered us since the times of Moshe and the Egyptian Exile. |
The Mystical Symbolism of the Design of the Menorah
Five unique perspectives and lessons from the design of the Menorah, relating to ourselves, the unity of the Jewish people, the Torah, Shabbos and Moshiach. |
The Paradox of the Desert - Connecting to Hashem from a place of Desolation.
Why was the Torah given in a desert? Discover the mystical significance of the desert and how the deepest connection to Hashem is forged from a place of spiritual desolation. |
Finding the Blessings in the Curses - a lesson on reframing life’s challenges
Discover the blessings hidden within the Tochecha - the Torah's "curses" in Parshas Bechukosai. Based on the teachings of Chassidus, |
The Inner Avodah of Sefiras Haomer - the spiritual service of personal character refinement
Exploring the inner, spiritual meaning of the Mitzvah of counting the Omer. Based on the teachings of Chassidus. |