Bo - Hachodesh
When we count the months of the year we begin from Nissan. But this was not always the case. The Midrash teaches; When Hashem chose His world, He established for them Rosh Chodesh. When He chose Yaakov and his descendants, he established for them the month of redemption.
At the outset of Creation, Tishrei was the undisputed start of the year and was established as the first of the months.
But with the first Mitzvah given the Jewish people, when He chose the descendants of Yaakov to be His people, Hashem distinguished us from the Nations. Hachodesh Hazeh Lachem Rosh Chodashim - this month (no longer Tishrei, but rather Nissan) will be for you (the Jewish people) the first of months.
The Gemora brings a debate between the Tanaim (Mishnaic sages) concerning when the world was created. Rabbi Eliezer asserts that the world was created in Tishrei. According to Rabbi Yehoshua, the world was created in Nissan.
Based on a Tosfos, the mystics explain that their opinions are not contradictory. Creation and time exist on various levels. Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yehoshua differed in their approach as to which plane of creation should be emphasized.
The actual, physical creation of the world took place in Tishrei. But the creation as it arose in Hashem’s thought was in Nissan.
The world was created with an express purpose, to actualise Hashem’s desire to be revealed and manifest within the finite world and for us to discover Him.
This purpose, Hashem’s thought, became hidden within the actual creation. Hashem’s presence and the G-dly vitality which pervades Creation is hidden and obscured by the veil of nature.
Tishrei reflects the worldly reality of our world, the façade of the natural order. This is how the world was created and how it was to remain until the Jewish people were chosen and entrusted with their first Mitzvah.
From then on, we count from Nissan. As Jews, we are not bound or limited by Creation. Through Torah and Mitzvos and by way of our Neshomo, a part of Hashem Himself, we are able to transcend the limitations and worldliness of the world.
The month of Nissan is called the month of Geulah, not just because of the liberation from Egypt which took place in Nissan, but because the month itself expresses and embodies the theme of redemption.
What is redemption? The Geulah is a state where the true reality of the world as a manifestation of Hashem will finally be revealed. The limitations of nature will be removed and no longer conceal Hashem’s presence.
The Rebbe has taught us that the key to the Geulah is to live the Geulah. Our personal Geulah is the catalyst for the collective Geulah.
In our lives we face many levels of concealment and sources for struggle in actualising our true being - the Neshomo within us which craves a relationship with Hashem and to fulfil His Mitzvos.
Our animalistic soul, the drive of our selfish desires and living for worldly indulgence is one level of obstruction. The hanochos haolom, the worldly perspectives and ways of thinking; how we view society, wealth, the nature of the world and what is truly important is another veil of concealment.
When we express our Neshomo and strive to see the world around us and everything that happens as Hashem’s presence, we achieve Hachodesh Hazeh Lachem Rosh Chodashim, the experience of Geulah.
May we merit the fulfilment of our sages words: In Nissan we were redeemed (from Egypt) and in Nissan we will be redeemed, with the coming of Moshiach.
At the outset of Creation, Tishrei was the undisputed start of the year and was established as the first of the months.
But with the first Mitzvah given the Jewish people, when He chose the descendants of Yaakov to be His people, Hashem distinguished us from the Nations. Hachodesh Hazeh Lachem Rosh Chodashim - this month (no longer Tishrei, but rather Nissan) will be for you (the Jewish people) the first of months.
The Gemora brings a debate between the Tanaim (Mishnaic sages) concerning when the world was created. Rabbi Eliezer asserts that the world was created in Tishrei. According to Rabbi Yehoshua, the world was created in Nissan.
Based on a Tosfos, the mystics explain that their opinions are not contradictory. Creation and time exist on various levels. Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yehoshua differed in their approach as to which plane of creation should be emphasized.
The actual, physical creation of the world took place in Tishrei. But the creation as it arose in Hashem’s thought was in Nissan.
The world was created with an express purpose, to actualise Hashem’s desire to be revealed and manifest within the finite world and for us to discover Him.
This purpose, Hashem’s thought, became hidden within the actual creation. Hashem’s presence and the G-dly vitality which pervades Creation is hidden and obscured by the veil of nature.
Tishrei reflects the worldly reality of our world, the façade of the natural order. This is how the world was created and how it was to remain until the Jewish people were chosen and entrusted with their first Mitzvah.
From then on, we count from Nissan. As Jews, we are not bound or limited by Creation. Through Torah and Mitzvos and by way of our Neshomo, a part of Hashem Himself, we are able to transcend the limitations and worldliness of the world.
The month of Nissan is called the month of Geulah, not just because of the liberation from Egypt which took place in Nissan, but because the month itself expresses and embodies the theme of redemption.
What is redemption? The Geulah is a state where the true reality of the world as a manifestation of Hashem will finally be revealed. The limitations of nature will be removed and no longer conceal Hashem’s presence.
The Rebbe has taught us that the key to the Geulah is to live the Geulah. Our personal Geulah is the catalyst for the collective Geulah.
In our lives we face many levels of concealment and sources for struggle in actualising our true being - the Neshomo within us which craves a relationship with Hashem and to fulfil His Mitzvos.
Our animalistic soul, the drive of our selfish desires and living for worldly indulgence is one level of obstruction. The hanochos haolom, the worldly perspectives and ways of thinking; how we view society, wealth, the nature of the world and what is truly important is another veil of concealment.
When we express our Neshomo and strive to see the world around us and everything that happens as Hashem’s presence, we achieve Hachodesh Hazeh Lachem Rosh Chodashim, the experience of Geulah.
May we merit the fulfilment of our sages words: In Nissan we were redeemed (from Egypt) and in Nissan we will be redeemed, with the coming of Moshiach.