Ad Delo Yada literally means “until one does not know”.
In Chassidus, Ad Delo Yada is not a measure of intoxication, but a state of mind (or state of not-mind) and and a level of Avodas Hashem.
Ad Delo Yada means to transcend our limitations – to go out of ourselves. Our biggest limitation can be our intellect, the need to rationalise and understand everything - Yada.
Kabbolas Ol, to completely surrender ourselves to Hashem, is illogical. It reflects a deeper relationship with Hashem that goes beyond the limits of what we understand.
Whereas Avodas Hashem that is based on logic can be weakened or challenged, Kabbolas Ol reveals a level of connection and devotion from the essence of the soul that cannot be shaken.
Purim is an auspicious day when we can reach this level of connection and draw it down to infuse our Avodah throughout the year. In this regard, Purim is even greater than Yom Kippur and its not an opportunity to be wasted.
In the following letter, the Rebbe articulates what the real intention of our sages was in obligating us to reach Ad Delo Yada, and it’s not about the alcohol.
The days of Purim should be used out in a Chassidishe manner. Due to the tumult of the day, one could completely forget that sometimes we need a Chassidishe Farbrengen.
It is understood that this is not at all connected to excess drinking of alcohol ח"ו as was spoken about on Purim of this year;
That the obligation of becoming intoxicated on Purim in a manner of Ad Delo Yada can be achieved with just a drop – as long as it affects a person to elevate themselves to reach a state (of Avodah) that transcends the limitations of reason and logic.
If a person truly wants this, even a drop is enough. And if ח"ו it is not so, even a barrel-full will not help.
~ Igros Kodesh volume 14 letter 5304, dated 23 Adar Sheini 5717
In Chassidus, Ad Delo Yada is not a measure of intoxication, but a state of mind (or state of not-mind) and and a level of Avodas Hashem.
Ad Delo Yada means to transcend our limitations – to go out of ourselves. Our biggest limitation can be our intellect, the need to rationalise and understand everything - Yada.
Kabbolas Ol, to completely surrender ourselves to Hashem, is illogical. It reflects a deeper relationship with Hashem that goes beyond the limits of what we understand.
Whereas Avodas Hashem that is based on logic can be weakened or challenged, Kabbolas Ol reveals a level of connection and devotion from the essence of the soul that cannot be shaken.
Purim is an auspicious day when we can reach this level of connection and draw it down to infuse our Avodah throughout the year. In this regard, Purim is even greater than Yom Kippur and its not an opportunity to be wasted.
In the following letter, the Rebbe articulates what the real intention of our sages was in obligating us to reach Ad Delo Yada, and it’s not about the alcohol.
The days of Purim should be used out in a Chassidishe manner. Due to the tumult of the day, one could completely forget that sometimes we need a Chassidishe Farbrengen.
It is understood that this is not at all connected to excess drinking of alcohol ח"ו as was spoken about on Purim of this year;
That the obligation of becoming intoxicated on Purim in a manner of Ad Delo Yada can be achieved with just a drop – as long as it affects a person to elevate themselves to reach a state (of Avodah) that transcends the limitations of reason and logic.
If a person truly wants this, even a drop is enough. And if ח"ו it is not so, even a barrel-full will not help.
~ Igros Kodesh volume 14 letter 5304, dated 23 Adar Sheini 5717