Whilst we Daven each day that we not have to experience challenges, inevitably each one of us faces some form of challenge or difficulty in our personal lives; in work, family, health or the like. While we are going through these challenges, it is not easy to remain positive. It is very easy to be overwhelmed and brought down as we ask “why me?”.
This week’s Parsha describes the rebellion of Korach against the leadership of Moshe and the priesthood of Aharon. It was a challenging time for Bnei Yisrael in general and Moshe in particular. After everything that he had done, sacrificed and given to Bnei Yisrael, to have a large segment of the people turn against him, could not have been easy.
But ultimately this challenge, like all challenges, served a greater purpose. As a result of having his leadership publicly challenged, instead of eroding his standing, it brought about an even greater solidification and strengthening of Moshe and Aharon in their leadership roles, in a way that could not have been otherwise realised. Through the ensuing miracles, Hashem authenticated their leadership in the eyes of the people.
The sages liken the affect of Korach’s challenge, to a loan document that has had its authenticity and integrity challenged in Beis Din. A loan document has a weakness that it can be denied or claimed to be falsified. But once the challenge has been disproved and refuted, the document gains an even greater degree of force and standing, in that it can no longer be challenged again.
Every challenge that Hashem sends our way is a blessing; an opportunity to grow and achieve things that we could not otherwise have done. We can emerge from our challenges stronger and better off. Embracing and facing our challenges with this perspective and with full trust in Hashem, make them easier to face and allow us to remain positive.
This message was reflected in the specific miracle that took place in the wake of Korach’s challenge. As a sign that Aharon had been chosen by Hashem, the staffs of the heads of the tribes were gathered and placed in the Holy of Holies. Miraculously, the staff of Aharon, a dry, dead and stagnant piece of wood, came to life, growing, blossoming and giving forth ripened almonds.
Why almonds? Our sages explain that in its initial stages of formation, the almond is bitter. But as it ripens, it becomes sweet. In the same way, challenges are bitter to face, but as we grow through them, the challenge becomes an opportunity and the opportunity becomes a benefit.
In facing my personal challenge, I have received a tremendous outpouring of support from family and friends, Chavrusas and the amazing people that I have been able to learn with and develop relationships with, from across the different parts of the Melbourne community.
I took comfort in this message in a recent challenge that I have faced. Six months ago, my employment as the Head of Kollel Menachem in Melbourne was ended. After 13 years of dedication to the Kollel and community, it came as an unexpected shock. If I am to be honest, it has been a really challenging period with ups and downs as I find my feet, try to look after my family, stay positive and move onwards.
My family and I came to Melbourne with a Shlichus, to spread the teachings of Torah and Chassidus. It is an amazing community with a thirst and esteem for Torah knowledge. We remain dedicated to our mission and to our community, with the establishment of MAOR, an organisation focused on spreading the light and wisdom of Torah to all members of the community, irrespective of their Shule affiliation.
Our activities include a weekly Avos Ubanim program that now attracts 40+ boys each week, a new weekly Torah publication “Hamaor”, regular social media video-shorts with inspiring Torah messages and lessons and weekly Shiurim and Chavrusas. I have also had the opportunity to give Shiurim and speak in many of Melbourne’s Shules.
This past week we launched the MAOR website that is filled with Torah content, including short inspiring videos, full length Shiurim, archives of our publications and more. Future initiatives will include holiday learning programs, lunch n learns, increased Shiurim
After the miracle, Aharon’s staff was returned to the Holy of Holies where it remained as an eternal reminder of its message.
We all have Korach moments in our lives, which may leave us feeling dry and stagnant as we taste their bitterness. But with a positive mindset and trust in Hashem, these moments can reawaken within us new life and strength, to grow and become a source of sweet nourishing fruits to enrich our own lives and the lives of those around us.
This week’s Parsha describes the rebellion of Korach against the leadership of Moshe and the priesthood of Aharon. It was a challenging time for Bnei Yisrael in general and Moshe in particular. After everything that he had done, sacrificed and given to Bnei Yisrael, to have a large segment of the people turn against him, could not have been easy.
But ultimately this challenge, like all challenges, served a greater purpose. As a result of having his leadership publicly challenged, instead of eroding his standing, it brought about an even greater solidification and strengthening of Moshe and Aharon in their leadership roles, in a way that could not have been otherwise realised. Through the ensuing miracles, Hashem authenticated their leadership in the eyes of the people.
The sages liken the affect of Korach’s challenge, to a loan document that has had its authenticity and integrity challenged in Beis Din. A loan document has a weakness that it can be denied or claimed to be falsified. But once the challenge has been disproved and refuted, the document gains an even greater degree of force and standing, in that it can no longer be challenged again.
Every challenge that Hashem sends our way is a blessing; an opportunity to grow and achieve things that we could not otherwise have done. We can emerge from our challenges stronger and better off. Embracing and facing our challenges with this perspective and with full trust in Hashem, make them easier to face and allow us to remain positive.
This message was reflected in the specific miracle that took place in the wake of Korach’s challenge. As a sign that Aharon had been chosen by Hashem, the staffs of the heads of the tribes were gathered and placed in the Holy of Holies. Miraculously, the staff of Aharon, a dry, dead and stagnant piece of wood, came to life, growing, blossoming and giving forth ripened almonds.
Why almonds? Our sages explain that in its initial stages of formation, the almond is bitter. But as it ripens, it becomes sweet. In the same way, challenges are bitter to face, but as we grow through them, the challenge becomes an opportunity and the opportunity becomes a benefit.
In facing my personal challenge, I have received a tremendous outpouring of support from family and friends, Chavrusas and the amazing people that I have been able to learn with and develop relationships with, from across the different parts of the Melbourne community.
I took comfort in this message in a recent challenge that I have faced. Six months ago, my employment as the Head of Kollel Menachem in Melbourne was ended. After 13 years of dedication to the Kollel and community, it came as an unexpected shock. If I am to be honest, it has been a really challenging period with ups and downs as I find my feet, try to look after my family, stay positive and move onwards.
My family and I came to Melbourne with a Shlichus, to spread the teachings of Torah and Chassidus. It is an amazing community with a thirst and esteem for Torah knowledge. We remain dedicated to our mission and to our community, with the establishment of MAOR, an organisation focused on spreading the light and wisdom of Torah to all members of the community, irrespective of their Shule affiliation.
Our activities include a weekly Avos Ubanim program that now attracts 40+ boys each week, a new weekly Torah publication “Hamaor”, regular social media video-shorts with inspiring Torah messages and lessons and weekly Shiurim and Chavrusas. I have also had the opportunity to give Shiurim and speak in many of Melbourne’s Shules.
This past week we launched the MAOR website that is filled with Torah content, including short inspiring videos, full length Shiurim, archives of our publications and more. Future initiatives will include holiday learning programs, lunch n learns, increased Shiurim
After the miracle, Aharon’s staff was returned to the Holy of Holies where it remained as an eternal reminder of its message.
We all have Korach moments in our lives, which may leave us feeling dry and stagnant as we taste their bitterness. But with a positive mindset and trust in Hashem, these moments can reawaken within us new life and strength, to grow and become a source of sweet nourishing fruits to enrich our own lives and the lives of those around us.