Argentinian Tallis Controversy
A few years ago, an article appeared on the internet saying that there was a problem with the Chabad style ‘Argentinian Tallis’, The problem had to do with the incorrect threading of the Tzitzis strings through an extra hole which is found in Chabad Talleisim.
What is this extra hole in Chabad Talleisim? Why do we have it? And what is the problem referred to in the article and how should it be addressed?
Positioning the hole for the Tzitzis strings
The Shulchan Oruch[1] rules that the hole through which the Tzitzis are inserted into the garment should be at least one thumb-length (approx. 4cm, measuring from the knuckle to the end of the nail) from the bottom edge of the garment.
The hole should also not be placed higher than 3 thumb-breadths (approx. 6cm) from the bottom edge of the garment.
This requirement is based on the Posuk ועשו להם ציצת על־כנפי בגדיהם – and they should make for themselves Tzitzis on the corners of their garments[2]. The Tzitzis are to be placed on the corner. Higher than three thumb-breadths is considered to be the body of the garment, not the corner. If the Tzitzis are placed too low it is considered to be ‘below’ the corner.
There is a machlokes concerning whether the minimum distance applies also to the side edge of the garment. The halocha is that these measurements apply equally to the bottom and side edges.
These halachos apply only at the time the Tzitzis are initially placed into the garment, as suggested by the word ועשו - and you shall make. If this distance became shortened subsequently, the Tzitzis are kosher bedieved. This could happen if the hole tears and the Tzitzis slip down, or if the knot of the Tzitzis is pulled too tight so that the garment folds. The same halocha applies if the distance is lengthened, for example an upwards rip in the hole.
It is still preferable to make a hem to reinforce the hole and also along the edges of the garment to prevent tearing and fraying.
Hanging against the corner
In the final halocha of the siman the Shulchan Oruch writes that there are those who require that the Tzitzis be placed into the garment in such a way that when they hang downwards they touch (lit. bang) against the corner (Diagram א).
This is derived from the same posuk quoted above[3]. As such, the Tzitzis at the back of the garment should be tied towards the side edge, as opposed to at the bottom (Diagram ב), so that when they dangle downwards they run alongside the edge and corner of the Tallis.
How the top (or front) two Tzitzis should be tied in will depend on the way that the Tallis is worn. According to the customary way of wearing a Tallis Gadol, the front Tzitzis should also be tied to the side.
The Magen Avraham rules that this too is only lechatchilah and that bedieved the Tzitzis would be kosher, except where the Tzitzis are on a diagonal, being tied at the corner itself (Diagram ג).
This is also the ruling of the Mishna Berurah. The Shaarei Teshuvah writes that the custom is not to be careful about this din. However, the Alter Rebbe in the Shulchan Oruch brings the halocha without quoting any lenient opinion.
The extra hole
In the Siddur, the Alter Rebbe writes: “On the Tallis Gadol we make only one hole. The four strings are placed through the hole, folded into 8 and tied on the side edge of the garment”. Here the Alter Rebbe qualifies that it is not sufficient that just the hole be higher than the 4cm from the bottom edge of the garment. Rather the Tzitzis must be tied at that height as well.
The Alter Rebbe derives from the Posuk גדלים תעשה־לך על־ארבע כנפות כסותך - You shall make for yourself tassels on the corners of your garment. From this we learn that the Gedil must also be on the corner. The Gedil is from the first knot and below.
This presents the following problem. Since the fabric of the Tallis is not stiff, the Tzitzis which are tied through a single hole are liable to slip below this minimum level, even when tied to the side.
Since it would be difficult to always ensure that the Tzitzis remain in the correct position, the Alter Rebbe advises that a small hole be made near the (side) edge of the Tallis at the correct height. After tying the Tzitzis through the primary hole with a double knot, the ‘winding’ string is threaded through this small hole before beginning the windings. This will anchor the Tzitzis in place that they should not slip down.
The extra hole will also ensure that the Tzitzis always hang so that they touch the edge of the garment (as discussed above).
Many Poskim, including Piskei Dinim and Ketzos Hashulchan, question what the Alter Rebbe’s innovation achieves, especially as these concerns only apply at the time the Tzitzis are tied. The Mishna Berura however writes that the requirement that the Tzitzis hang so that they drape along the side of the garment applies at all times. This is possibly the rationale for the Alter Rebbe mentioning that one would need to be careful during the time of davening.
The “Argentinian Tallis” controversy
Now for the ‘Argentinian Tallis controversy’ (which can arise in Talleisim of any origin and is not connected to the manufacturer or retailer, but rather those who tie the strings).
As can be seen in the photograph, only 3 of the 4 Tzitzis strings were tied through the primary hole. The 4th string was inserted only through the small hole, before being tied together with the other strings. As such, the 4th string has not been placed in the כנף as defined by the measurements in the beginning of this article. Since all of the Tzitzis were not in the correct position even at the outset, the Tzitzis are invalid.
The Ketzos Hashulchan writes that even though it may be more aesthetically pleasing and easier to tie, the Tzitzis are invalid and need to be retied. Similarly, the Rebbe Rashab instructed Rabbi Yaakov Landau that the Tzitzis must be retied in the correct manner.
[1] Orach Chaim 11:9
[2] Bamidbar 15:38
[3] Menachos 42a according to Rashi
What is this extra hole in Chabad Talleisim? Why do we have it? And what is the problem referred to in the article and how should it be addressed?
Positioning the hole for the Tzitzis strings
The Shulchan Oruch[1] rules that the hole through which the Tzitzis are inserted into the garment should be at least one thumb-length (approx. 4cm, measuring from the knuckle to the end of the nail) from the bottom edge of the garment.
The hole should also not be placed higher than 3 thumb-breadths (approx. 6cm) from the bottom edge of the garment.
This requirement is based on the Posuk ועשו להם ציצת על־כנפי בגדיהם – and they should make for themselves Tzitzis on the corners of their garments[2]. The Tzitzis are to be placed on the corner. Higher than three thumb-breadths is considered to be the body of the garment, not the corner. If the Tzitzis are placed too low it is considered to be ‘below’ the corner.
There is a machlokes concerning whether the minimum distance applies also to the side edge of the garment. The halocha is that these measurements apply equally to the bottom and side edges.
These halachos apply only at the time the Tzitzis are initially placed into the garment, as suggested by the word ועשו - and you shall make. If this distance became shortened subsequently, the Tzitzis are kosher bedieved. This could happen if the hole tears and the Tzitzis slip down, or if the knot of the Tzitzis is pulled too tight so that the garment folds. The same halocha applies if the distance is lengthened, for example an upwards rip in the hole.
It is still preferable to make a hem to reinforce the hole and also along the edges of the garment to prevent tearing and fraying.
Hanging against the corner
In the final halocha of the siman the Shulchan Oruch writes that there are those who require that the Tzitzis be placed into the garment in such a way that when they hang downwards they touch (lit. bang) against the corner (Diagram א).
This is derived from the same posuk quoted above[3]. As such, the Tzitzis at the back of the garment should be tied towards the side edge, as opposed to at the bottom (Diagram ב), so that when they dangle downwards they run alongside the edge and corner of the Tallis.
How the top (or front) two Tzitzis should be tied in will depend on the way that the Tallis is worn. According to the customary way of wearing a Tallis Gadol, the front Tzitzis should also be tied to the side.
The Magen Avraham rules that this too is only lechatchilah and that bedieved the Tzitzis would be kosher, except where the Tzitzis are on a diagonal, being tied at the corner itself (Diagram ג).
This is also the ruling of the Mishna Berurah. The Shaarei Teshuvah writes that the custom is not to be careful about this din. However, the Alter Rebbe in the Shulchan Oruch brings the halocha without quoting any lenient opinion.
The extra hole
In the Siddur, the Alter Rebbe writes: “On the Tallis Gadol we make only one hole. The four strings are placed through the hole, folded into 8 and tied on the side edge of the garment”. Here the Alter Rebbe qualifies that it is not sufficient that just the hole be higher than the 4cm from the bottom edge of the garment. Rather the Tzitzis must be tied at that height as well.
The Alter Rebbe derives from the Posuk גדלים תעשה־לך על־ארבע כנפות כסותך - You shall make for yourself tassels on the corners of your garment. From this we learn that the Gedil must also be on the corner. The Gedil is from the first knot and below.
This presents the following problem. Since the fabric of the Tallis is not stiff, the Tzitzis which are tied through a single hole are liable to slip below this minimum level, even when tied to the side.
Since it would be difficult to always ensure that the Tzitzis remain in the correct position, the Alter Rebbe advises that a small hole be made near the (side) edge of the Tallis at the correct height. After tying the Tzitzis through the primary hole with a double knot, the ‘winding’ string is threaded through this small hole before beginning the windings. This will anchor the Tzitzis in place that they should not slip down.
The extra hole will also ensure that the Tzitzis always hang so that they touch the edge of the garment (as discussed above).
Many Poskim, including Piskei Dinim and Ketzos Hashulchan, question what the Alter Rebbe’s innovation achieves, especially as these concerns only apply at the time the Tzitzis are tied. The Mishna Berura however writes that the requirement that the Tzitzis hang so that they drape along the side of the garment applies at all times. This is possibly the rationale for the Alter Rebbe mentioning that one would need to be careful during the time of davening.
The “Argentinian Tallis” controversy
Now for the ‘Argentinian Tallis controversy’ (which can arise in Talleisim of any origin and is not connected to the manufacturer or retailer, but rather those who tie the strings).
As can be seen in the photograph, only 3 of the 4 Tzitzis strings were tied through the primary hole. The 4th string was inserted only through the small hole, before being tied together with the other strings. As such, the 4th string has not been placed in the כנף as defined by the measurements in the beginning of this article. Since all of the Tzitzis were not in the correct position even at the outset, the Tzitzis are invalid.
The Ketzos Hashulchan writes that even though it may be more aesthetically pleasing and easier to tie, the Tzitzis are invalid and need to be retied. Similarly, the Rebbe Rashab instructed Rabbi Yaakov Landau that the Tzitzis must be retied in the correct manner.
[1] Orach Chaim 11:9
[2] Bamidbar 15:38
[3] Menachos 42a according to Rashi